cannabis seedlings germiante seeds sowing

How to germinate our seeds

How to Germinate our seeds? 

One of the things we pay attention to when producing seeds is that they have a thick coating, so they can be stored for longer and are resistant to damage, disease and changes in climate. Sometimes, especially with beginner growers who choose a difficult germination method, it can affect the number of germinated seeds.

We assure you that each batch of seeds produced by us is tested, also in this respect, before being sold. Thus we are sure that our seeds have at least 90% germination efficiency. If the result is lower, we do not put them on sale.

How do I make sure that my seed has a 90% germination rate?

  1. When you receive your seeds, put them in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Store them in a container that will protect them from moisture.
  2. Above all, try to maintain maximum hygiene. Wash your hands well or soak the tools you use to handle the seeds in isopropyl alcohol.
  3. Put the seeds in a container of fresh water. The water must be chlorine-free, otherwise you may have problems with the seeds germinating.
  4. Place the dish with the seeds in a darkened place for 48h. The ambient temperature should be at least 21 degrees C. The best temperature for germination is 25-28 degrees. The temperature must be stable.
  5. Look in the cupboard after 48h. Most of the seeds should be germinated.
  6. With a disinfected pencil, take the shell and place the sprout in the pre-watered soil with the root “down”. Gently cover the seed with soil so that no light can reach it. Remember to use dechlorinated water.

What can you do in addition to this to be more sure of germination?

  • add a drop of First Feed to the water in which the seeds germinate
  • you can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. But remember, too much hydrogen peroxide can make it difficult for the seeds to germinate.
  • A risky option is to carry out a process known as “scarification”, i.e. to make a slight incision in the bond of the shell with a sterilised razor blade. Unfortunately, too deep an incision will damage the root and thus kill the seed.
  • do not sink the seeds “by force”. If they float to the surface, that’s fine.
  • You can also use slightly sparkling water to allow the CO2 to penetrate the seed and stimulate germination.
  • check and adjust the ph of the water between 5.8 and 6.2

What not to do when germinating seeds?

  • don’t leave the germinated root in contact with air (oxygen)
  • do not leave the seed in contact with water for too long. The maximum time is 72h. From the 5th day of keeping the seed in water mould starts to form.
  • do not expose the seeds to changing climatic conditions. Too frequent fluctuations in temperature will prevent them from germinating.
  • do not let the root that comes out of the shell be too long
  • do not put the seeds in too deep, the best depth is 1 cm. If you want to be more specific we recommend planting the seeds at a depth equal to twice the diameter.
  • do not give too much fertiliser. The soil should be poor in nutrients.
  • Do not water too much. The soil should be porous.
  • if the climate where you sow your seed is not suitable, we do not recommend germinating directly in the soil.
  • If the sprout, after coming out of the soil, still has its husk on and cannot get rid of it by itself, only in this case you should intervene. Very gently, with clean hands, remove the husk from the leaf without touching the stem.

Storing seeds

  • Properly stored seeds can germinate without problems, even after 10 years and more.
  • The best temperature to store seeds is 6-8 degrees Celsius.
  • protect the seeds from moisture and excessive heat and store, preferably in glass or special plastic containers.
  • you can put dry rice or silica gel in the containers.


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