New Led Lamps Technology – Pulse

An original method unique in the world

In nature, we can observe that light energy does not reach plants continuously. Many factors influence the amount and length of exposure, such as the time of year or weather conditions – cloud cover. In addition, due to their structure, the plants themselves can limit the reception of sunlight – overlapping leaves and the position of individual plants. In response to these phenomena, we came to the conclusion that we could exploit them by creating technology, imitating nature. This is how an original, unique in the world, pulsed lighting system for plants was created. It is based on the modulation of light with a spectrum suitable for the crop. Our range using the pulsation method includes the Horti 2 series, which is aimed at greenhouse and specialist crops.

Click and watch a video showcasing our headquarters, lab and innovative Horti 2 series of LED luminaires 


The role of light

Light plays an essential role in the life and development of all plants. Photosynthesis is a process in which solar energy / light is essential. Without this element, the organic compounds that are the plant’s main source of nutrition, i.e. glucose and oxygen, are not produced and are then released directly into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, in autumn-winter-spring the days are shorter, which translates into less solar energy reaching the plant.

  • What does it involve?

The use of a luminaire that emits pulsed light provides periodically reduced changes in WAT power, cyclically over a period (6s lower power 8s higher power). Through this action, a photoinhibition effect is induced, which allows the photosynthetic apparatus to regenerate (relieving it) and provides better preparation for the reception and effective use of light of higher intensity. Thus, “energy management” by the plant becomes more efficient.

Link to video showing visualization of the pulsation technology system 💚
  • Why exactly light source modulation?

Chloroplasts in a plant cell are responsible for photosynthesis and have a certain inertia when moving around in the cell. When exposed to strong light, chloroplasts try to move close to the unlit walls of the cell – time is needed for this. In most species, they are controlled by a family of blue-light photoreceptors – the phototropins. In response to weak blue light, chloroplasts move in an accumulation reaction to cell walls perpendicular to the direction of incidence of light, adopting a so-called flat position.

  • In practice

In a study conducted on (Common radish) Arabidopsis, the intensity of blue light triggering the accumulation response ranges from 0.07 to 3.6 μmol/m2s. The light escape response occurs when plants are exposed to strong blue light. Under such conditions, chloroplasts locate themselves along the illuminated walls, adopting a so-called profile position. At about 140 μmol/m2s, the reaction is saturated, meaning that the maximum number of chloroplasts reaches the profile position, and further increases in light intensity no longer cause changes in the chloroplast arrangement. The accumulation reaction is accompanied by a decrease, while the escape reaction is accompanied by an increase in light transmission through the leaf.

  • The main aim of the method

The main objective of the pulsed method is for the chloroplasts to absorb as much light as possible, minimizing the level of stress. Our intention is to optimize the radiation to which crops are subjected. The clever design of the Horti LED lamps for plant cultivation enables light to be emitted with an optimum optical spectrum composition for the plants.

  • Which crops can Horti 2 luminaires be used for?

Every plant needs light. Different plant species require different amounts of light. Therefore, the placement and height of the lamps is important (how many luminaires and at what height should be used to provide the optimum amount of light). Our Horti 2 series consists of luminaires technically designed for different types of cultivation, for example: indoor, growbox, vertical, hydroponic and aeroponic cultivation. The main criterion introducing diversity in our range is the luminous flux and spectrum. Each of our luminaires has the possibility of freely selecting the spectrum depending on its intended use. Horti luminaires provide visually white light that is safe for the eyes. However, they are enriched with LEDs with colors that correspond to the needs of the plants for which they are intended. We have developed three types of spectrum based on the latest scientific research as well as consultation with specialists.

  • What about efficiency and running costs? 

Horti luminaires have a patented light modulation system making it even more economical compared to lamps made with traditional LED technology, thanks to continuous pulsation, the average power of the luminaire is 100W. This generates very low lighting costs. The use of the luminaire’s pulsed luminous flux guarantees large savings in electricity consumption of more than 50% compared to fixed LED lighting, while stimulating plants to increased growth.

  • Is there evidence of the reliability of the pulsation method?

We are aware that the pulsation method we developed is unique in the world, so the most important thing was to document the results and make the advantages of the luminaires real. The development of the pulsed lighting technology implemented by Perfand LED was preceded by research at the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków. The research was conducted by Dr Anna Janeczko and Dr Monika Kula-Maximenko.

Research topics: “Physiological and biochemical changes in selected useful plants in relation to light spectrum and intensity”, “Evaluation of growth and performance of the light phase of photosynthesis (PSII) of pepper and basil plants grown under Perfand LED lamps”. The research has been ongoing since 2018. The plants are illuminated with 2x400W HPS lamps, an 80W LED fixture with constant light flux and a 200/30W LED fixture (average power 90W) with light modulation. In all three experiments, the average light flux on the plants was 250µmol.

Report on research conducted by: Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland – 

Types of Horti 2 luminaires

Horti 2 – is a luminaire designed to illuminate greenhouse crops. Power of a single luminaire: 200 W / 20 W.

Horti 2 VT – is a luminaire designed to illuminate vertical crops. The set consists of 10 tubes. Power of the set: 265 W / 35 W.

Horti 2 LN – is a linear luminaire designed to illuminate Cannabis crops. Thanks to its clever design, the luminaire is also available in a set of 4. Power of a single luminaire: 200 W / 20 W.

Horti 2 SQ – is a luminaire designed to illuminate greenhouse crops, growboxes and potted plants. The luminaire also comes in a set of 4. Power of a single luminaire: 100 W / 20 W.

Examples of implementation

After passing laboratory tests, Horti luminaires are tested under greenhouse conditions. In this respect, we cooperate with horticulturists in Poland and abroad (including Finland, Sweden and also Iceland).

We do not stop and constantly expand the scope of research with new plant species to improve our products.

What are the advantages of the pulsation system in Horti 2 luminaires?

  • The light conditions provided by the LED lamps tested stimulate the development processes of the plants;
  • The final plants tested had a higher weight and a significantly darker colour, indicating a higher accumulation of assimilates;
  • Very good rooting of the cuttings was also observed;
  • The growers also emphasise that the pulsed nature of the light and the white colour of the LED light allows workers to work freely and unencumbered in the irradiated facilities;
  • Studies carried out in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences have shown that, on tested plants, the pulsed light patented by Perfand LED is more effective than the constant LED light and the traditional light provided by HPS;
  • The energy-efficient LED modules allow a significant reduction in electricity costs.
  • In addition, the pulsation method eliminates the risk of overheating of leaf and flower surfaces

The above-mentioned advantages result from the experience and research carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and from the opinions of growers who have tested our technology. We are not stopping and are constantly extending our research into new plant species to improve our products. We aim to have new products researched and tested by lighting professionals as well as ordinary users. Opinions and reviews are an important source of information for us, which we analyse in depth. Our next products and developments are based on them.

Look how cannabis plants grow under this LEDs. There is a 4 videos in the list. One after one.

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